Forecast Sees Little Change On The Horizon
According to Fannie Mae's most recent Economic and Housing Outlook, conditions have been pretty steady for the last year and will likely...

Home Price Increases Mean Buyers Need To Prepare
It isn't news that home prices have been headed upward for awhile now. And, according to the latest S&P Case-Shiller Home Price Indices,...

Showings Up As Home Buyer Interest Remains High
If you had any doubt that there's been a high level of home buyer interest lately, new data on the number of showings across the country...

LA Jumps to #2 in Global Real Estate Investment
According to a new survey by the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate, LA climbs to #2 in Global Real Estate Investment. Read...

Existing Home Sales Reach 11-Year High
According to new numbers from the National Association of Realtors, last year was the best in more than a decade for sales of previously...

Young Adults Hold Key To This Year's Market
First-time home buyers are an important demographic when tracking the health of the housing market. That's because, they typically make...

What To Do If You Live In A Competitive Market
These days, competition and affordability are two of home buyers' main concerns. This isn't surprising, as no one likes to pay more for...

LA Among the 20 Finalists bidding for Amazon's HQ2
The Real Deal explores new details about LA's bid for Amazon's HQ2. More Here.

Builders Confident 2018 Will Be A Good Year
If anybody knows the new home market, it's builders. After all, they are the ones supplying the homes and, if there's no demand, they...

Buying More Affordable Than Rent In Most Markets
When it comes time to make a move, most of us are choosing between renting a place or buying a house. And making that calculation has a...